Want free advice on how to bring more intentionality to your career?
I have written on a variety of topics based on the questions asked by my Career Coaching clients and the techniques they have used to create the change they want in their careers. Read through the following blog posts to find the information you need to jump-start your career.
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Psychology Today: Lonely at the Top - Intersectionality’s Impact on Leadership
Women with multiple marginalized identities face more cognitive and emotional overload when navigating the challenges of leadership.
Please Don't Refer to Me as "Half" Black
The unintended impact of using fractional terms like"half Black" or "half Jewish" to describe multiracial people…
Gender Differences in Management
CultureAmp reviewed data on manager performance ratings to understand the differences between male and female leaders. The findings showed that male and female direct reports had vastly different experiences with their managers.
MIXING IT UP: The Nuances of Being Black and Jewish
How one realization during the Jewish high holiday allowed me to come to terms with what it means to be Black and Jewish.
How to Combat Microaggressions Such As “What Are You?”
An overview of what is a microaggression, examples of how it has shown up and affected me in my life, and tools for how we can combat microaggressions moving forward.
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