Want free advice on how to bring more intentionality to your career?
I have written on a variety of topics based on the questions asked by my Career Coaching clients and the techniques they have used to create the change they want in their careers. Read through the following blog posts to find the information you need to jump-start your career.
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Want to Negotiate a 4 Day Work Week? Here’s What You Should Know
Key Learnings from individuals who have successfully negotiated to work 4 days a week in an organization where everyone else still works 5 days a week.
How to Embrace the Idea of “Play” in Your Work Routine
Children aren’t the only ones who can benefit from engaging in play. Adults too can use this activity as a way of furthering their development. In this case, play enables us to learn how to be present and adopt a beginner’s mindset.
Two Steps to Set Better Boundaries at Work
Take two simple steps to set better boundaries at work and help increase your effectiveness and focus.
The Secret to Setting Goals You’ll Actually Achieve
The secret to setting goals is to follow the ESEA method. By following this process you will not only set better goals, but actually achieve them.
Should You Embrace Your Strengths or Fix Your Weaknesses?
A new perspective on answering the age old question about whether to focus on embracing your strengths or addressing your weaknesses…
The 4 R's of Combating Negative Self-Talk
Negative self-talk can often become a vicious merry-go-round of negativity. Here are four steps you can take to combat your negative self-talk and start to break the cycle.
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